OtO Lawn

How to remove OtO from the mounting bracket

In case you need to move your OtO to a different location or put it away for storage, follow the guide below to remove OtO from the mounting bracket.

  1. Make sure the spigot / tap is turned off.
  2. Turn the collar at the inlet on OtO to loosen the fitting and detach the hose
  3. Look underneath the bracket and locate four (4) claw-shaped thumb screws.
  4. Squeeze one of the thumb screws and pull firmly at a slight angle. OtO will pull apart from the bracket.

Watch this video to see how to do this easily!


Don't hesitate to reach out to care@otolawn.com should you have any difficulties.


Having trouble detaching the hose? Read this.



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    Jim S

    I found that taking the closed end of a 10mm (or similar size) wrench, and pushing that onto the clips, is the easiest way to get them to pop off. They're a pretty hard and stiff plastic so I don't think it's really possible with just your hand/fingers.

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