OtO Lawn

What does deleting my OtO do?

Important: If you are experiencing issues with your OtO account or device, DO NOT DELETE your device as it will not solve the issue. Please reach out to us through the "Report an Issue" function in the app (main menu) or email us at care@otolawn.com.

You are able to delete your device from within the app.

Deleting your device does the following:

  • Permanently removes all data associated with the device within your account (including zones, history, schedules)

Deleting your device will not:

  • Solve most troubleshooting issues

Do I have to delete the OtO from my account before giving it to a friend?

Yes. If you want the device to be controlled by a different account, you must delete it from your account. Zones cannot be transferred. 


My device is acting up, how do I factory reset it?

Do not delete your device to try and solve issues. Please submit a ticket through the app or email us at care@otolawn.com instead. Read more: How do I factory reset my device?

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