OtO Lawn

Got a feature or other request for OtO?

Our biggest priority is listening to our customers in order to provide solutions that address their needs.

If you have a feature request or other product-related request you'd like us to add to our roadmap, please write it in the comments below!

We'd love to hear from you.


e.g. Different color options or skins for the unit - let us know what color you'd like to see

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    Grant Gehrke

    Either sell OtO-branded solenoids or interface with industry-standard 24VAC solenoids to control other watering devices, such as soaker hoses or drippers for a garden. Benefit would be to allow control of all devices in one app. Potentially it could even use a hose outlet on the main OtO unit to also inject solutions into those lines.

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    Grant Gehrke

    Motion Detector add-on that triggers a special zone to run 1-pass as a pest deterrent. Similar devices already exist specifically for this purpose. I have groundhogs and rabbits that attack my garden and are scared off by the hose. On a more technically involved level, allow external services to trigger a 'run once' behavior via API so something like this could be added by a motivated developer.

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    Edward Murphy

    Oto-branded 4-way splitter solenoid to attach to main hose valve on the house

    I have 4 otos and even when only one oto is running at a time, the water that is released into all the hoses out of the house is lowering the water pressure. it would be better water pressure if water was only sent down one hose to one oto at a time from the house

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    Trais McAllister

    A smaller, cheaper OtO would be great to cover straight areas. For example, the device could operate like a simple spread sprinkler with adjustable hardstops that define the length of the zone.

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    Trais McAllister

    It would be great to have a cartridge option for feeding varieties of plants.

    Also, kind of silly, but it may be cool to have a cartridge that adds a scent to your lawn. For example, a harmless spray that gives the yard a citrus scent.

    Overall, more options for cartridges.

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    Be able to reorganize devices in the app. Right now they appear in the order we set them up in and I would like to rearrange them, either by alphabetical order, or in a clockwise direction. We have six and just having to randomly scroll through them because the order we set them up in has caused a little bit of confusion as to which one we're dealing with, especially when the app can be utilized by another member of the household.

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    David Greenberg 🌱

    Have a method to allow more time for water to soak in to clay or hard=packed soils. The heavy stream is good for wind resistance, but puts down water too fast to be absorbed fully. Maybe move quicker over the zone, then go back and do it again once it's soaked in.

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    Ryan McCraw

    Have the ability to add in your own cartridge solution and set the dilution ratio. To have the flexibility to use the herbicide, liquid aerator or de-thatcher, really any solution desired would be incredible. That would potentially take away from your subscriptions, but open up the product to a lot more people who feel the current 3 cartridge options are enough.

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    Dean Stanhope

    I live in Arizona and need to water twice a day with my new Sod. The app only allows to schedule one watering per day. Would be nice to be able to schedule a 2nd watering per day.

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    Dave Raiman

    Provide an API to enable integration into home automation (ex Home Assistant, SmartThings, Apple HomeKit, etc). While read-only to monitor activity is of value, write access to trigger actions would be fantastic.

    The DIY home automation is still fairly niche but API support of this type would expose your product to that community.

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    In the app, please move the zones to one on top of another instead of side to side. That way they’ll all appear on your screen at once without having to scroll side to side. Also, a “today at a glance” feature would be great in the app to show all the zones set to water that day and at what time with durations so the user can easily spot errors or overlaps. Love the product and app, looking forward to all future app improvements!

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    Matthew R

    I'd like to see a local (on device) API that can be used to manage the device if oto servers were ever unreachable/apps not available. I would consider these APIs to be sufficient:

    - Demo water a point (given an x,y coordinate)
    - Create zone (given a list of x,y coordinates, name)
    - Start watering zone
    - Stop watering zone
    - Delete Zone

    With these API endpoints, I could see a customer being able to determine the points for new zones, create zones, use zones, and delete zones.

    Edited by Matthew R
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    Sell a OtO smart hose spout timer to turn on when the sprinkler turns on and shuts off the water when the sprinkler is done. I have an OtO at an AirBnb and I don't feel comfortable leaving the water on 24/7 when I only go by the property maybe once a week. If OtO doesn't come out with a timer option maybe provide an estimated watering time so that we can set the range that the spout timer is open. Instead of setting the spout time to remain open for 3 hours, maybe OtO can project that it is only going to need 1 hours and 30 minutes to water the desired zones that day.

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    Byron Sommardahl

    I need a way to integrate outside an service or trigger to run a single zone like I can from my phone when I manually run a zone with X gallons. Zapier would be okay. A developer API with an API key would be even better.

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    Brian Blank

    I originally bought my Oto to water the plants around my pool. However, I found that Oto also can be used to top off the water level in my pool, but its not ideal how it works. Currently I mapped out my pool boundaries in Oto and water it like a lawn on the max setting this runs for almost 40 minutes. Ideally I would like to specify just the center of my pool and for me to specify the number of minutes I would like to run it for (I would probably run some tests to determine the time needed per inch added of pool water). I could also maybe schedule it to run longer/shorter based on current and future weather conditions (ie. If it's going to rain in the next day, then don't fill the pool today).

    Note that I dont use any of the cartridges with Oto as I don't want chemicals to run into my pool.

    As a second add on request, if you had an API, I could probably build a digital water level monitor for my pool that could automatically trigger Oto to run when the water level is low.

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    Ryan Meline

    Please create an easy manual skip override for the app. Often it rains later in the day and Oto just waters all morning like there’s no forecast. Would love to be able to tell it to “skip tomorrow” without having to edit each individual zone.

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    Tarik Hammoud

    It would be great if we could set a specific start time under the "manual watering" imstead of just instant start.

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    ability to edit/create zone without having to turn on oto.. would save me time and water if i could pre-build the zone and just have to slightly modify it when im ready to turn water on a make it more accurate.

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    Kapil Persaud


    Setting TWO or multiple watering times would be great. I like to water 6am & 6:30pm. Currently I have to manually change the times.

    If someone has multiple properties and would like to have OTO. Zip code and weather will be different. Can that feature be added for multiple properties.

    Do we get more distance with a 3/4 hose vs 5/8?
    I have a huge side lawn and currently OTO reaches midway.

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    Mike morley

    Greetings! Building on the pest control request - we have box elder beetles that infest the trees in proximity to our house. These insects while they don’t bite, have no natural predators, multiply extremely rapidly and have an unfortunate preference for attempting to move inside in the fall. Fortunately they can be killed easily with a mild soap and water
    Solution. Was wondering if it were possible to repurpose a standard solution bottle for this purpose so we can use the OtO to spray the cracks in the fence and other areas where these insects nest… even better would indeed be an api that would allow for a computer vision targeting control system to be setup ;-) the insects are bright red so show up easily on images I have tested a basic neural net with…

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    Michael Sewell

    Allow push notifications from the app for status updates such as device offline, firmware update available, low battery, schedule delays due to weather, etc. This allows for better troubleshooting of issues and more info in general is always welcome.

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    Lots of great suggestion above. I'm ready to purchase 2 of them but, I want to know there will be home automation intergrations with estimated release date before pulling the trigger.

    Very cool product, looking forward to see how it evolves over time. Thank you!

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    Aaron Hall

    Duplicate Zones

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    Brian Cassidy

    Please provide an API (on device would be amazing) so OtO can be integrated into Home Assistant and other smart home platforms. I want to build automations to spray down the area of the yard where my dog just peed. I have so many different ideas based on what we can get in the API.

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    David Wheeler

    How about a “gentle” mode? I found that Oto is a little aggressive when watering planted pots.

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    Dan Moore

    A feature that tells you how many gallons of water you used on the app would be great. I also liked another user's pool filling option, that would be amazing.

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    Emily M. Nebben

    Adda stream variation feature that would create a softer or more misted spray when watering closer to the OTO. Right now stream creates ridges in the yard and grass that occasionally need to be combed or blown out. Anticipating this being a problem several years in.

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    Allow selecting a Personal Weather Station. I run my own Netatmo weather station, which shares data to the free public PWSWeather.com network. My area has a couple, but I want to specify my specific one.

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    Keith Henderson

    When a watering session is interrupted by low water pressure or any other reason, have an option to "Resume Watering". Currently you just have to tell it to try again and it waters the entire region, even if it was 75% through the first time.

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    Keith Henderson

    I live in a place that has marginal water pressure and cannot support multiple zones being watered at the same time. Please provide an option in the app so that only 1 zone across all devices will water at the same time. Zones delayed by this option would schedule just like if you have multiple zones scheduled for the same time on the same device, except across multiple devices.

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